Here is a list of some symfony plugins which can be very useful in your symfony project development.
- FOSUserBundle
- FOSRestBundle
- KnpMenuBundle
- StofDoctrineExtensionsBundle
- JMSSerializerBundle
- SonataAdminBundle
- FOSJsRoutingBundle
- LiipImagineBundle
- KnpPaginatorBundle
- NelmioApiDocBundle
- FOSElasticaBundle
- HWIOAuthBundle
- VichUploaderBundle
- RaulFraileLadyBugBundle
- KnpSnappyBundle
- DoctrineFixturesBundle
- WhiteOctoberPagerFantaBundle
- DoctrineMigrationsBundle
- MopaBootstrapBundle
- JMSSecurityExtraBundle
You can find more information here
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